Saddleworth News

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If you’ve got a story or event please email Ruby here.

Reporting Team

Ruby Anstee - Editor
Stuart Littleford - Reporter
Allan Roach - Reporter
George Wilson - Reporter and IT
Judith Grinter - Reporter

Past Articles

A sad day for Oldham and its Journalists

Reporter - Ruby Anstee

Since 1854, the Oldham Chronicle has been providing local news coverage but in 2017, the last day of August is also the last day the newspaper will be published. Sadly, despite efforts by the administrators, a buyer has not been found to take on what is no longer deemed a viable business, resulting in the presses rolling for the final time.

Richard Jones, founder of Saddleworth News said: “It’s a desperately sad day for Oldham. I […]

101, 999 or neither? - think 4 steps

Greater Manchester Police is asking people adopt the new “4 step rule” before ringing 101 or 999.

GMP is urging the public to make the right choice and consider all of the options for getting in touch or finding information from them with the new “4 step rule”. Designed to help people get the best help as quickly as possible, the “4 step rule” asks people to consider who they call about an issue, if information is already readily available […]

Saddleworth News Photography Awards 2017 Update

The Saddleworth News Photography Awards 2017 have now closed to submissions. We have received over 80 images, the favourites of which will be awarded Gold Silver and Bronze in due course. More information about the awards and the judges here….



Did you know Wonder Woman lives nearby?

Reporter Ruby Anstee

Did you know that Mossley houses a lady with super powers working her way to greater things? Kerry Newton, has temporarily put down her teacher’s mortar board and exchanged it for Super Woman’s outfit. She has a mission to bring hope, strength and inspiration to others. After some recent hard times, Kerry, has decided to put her acting skills to good use to help others.

She told Saddleworth News” I’m a mum of an 18 yr old […]

Rushcart 2017

Reporter Ruby Anstee

Photos from Rushcart Annual Celebrations. On this weekend there is an influx of Morris Men into the village from all over the UK. The Rushcart is pulled around the Saddleworth Villages, with lots of dancing and drinking, to eventually arrive up at Saddleworth Church where they lay the rushes on the floor. Sunday involves Morris Men antics including gurning competitions, wrestling singing and dancing to name a few. Timings of the events can be seen in a […]

Rishworth School break records again in exam results

Reporter Ruby Anstee Rishworth School- GCSE Results 2017

Rishworth School are very pleased to announce that this year saw a record level of pupils attaining 5 or more A*-C (or their new equivalents) grades placing Rishworth, a non-selective school, a few percentage points shy of other highly selective schools.

The results are about individuals achieving well against their potential, however, to have attained so well across a non-selective cohort is absolutely tremendous. They are particularly pleased with the performance of […]

Timings for the Saddleworth Rushcart 2017

Reporter Ruby Anstee Route and Times of the Saddleworth Rushcart Celebrations this weekend (26 and 27 Aug 2017)

… (please note, times are approximate)


Sponsored by Buffalo UPVC

From 9:30 Uppermill Square; a few admin bits before Saddleworth Morris Men perform the Rushcart Dance. 10:15 Depart Uppermill Square to arrive Greenfield (opposite King Bill IV) 10:45 High Street to Chapel Lane to Chew Valley Road. 11:30 Depart Greenfield to arrive Uppermill Square 12:00 Chew Valley Road to Wellington […]

What a waste!

Reporter Stuart Littleford

Four residents were prosecuted for dumping bags of waste in alleyways behind their homes in Oldham.

Oldham council took 4 residents to Tameside Magistrates court and successfully prosecuted them on Aug 10. They were fined on average over £680 each.

Joanne Hall (42) of Mersey Road North, Gabrielle Bevis (23) of Honeywell Lane, Bodique Moran (34) of Dean Street and Lenaka Mitacova (29) of Belgrave Road were all fined.

Sponsored by Wainwright


Cllr Cath Ball, […]

Looking for Old Boys from Lees and Saddleworth Boys Brigade

Reporter Stuart Littleford

A reunion of Old Boys from Lees and Saddleworth Boys Brigade has been organised. Help is needed to find the boys. Please ring Maggie Hurley on 0161 622 9252 with any information or for more details.


Support for local women’s charities by Oldham Theatre

Reporter Allan Roach

The town’s oldest amateur dramatics theatre, the Lyceum Theatre Oldham, thanks its audience’s continual support. This means that they able to donate to worthy charities in the community every year.

In 2017, they have chosen local charity Inspire Women, part of the Inspiring Futures Partnership CIC to receive £1000, whilst cancer charity Maggie’s Oldham receives £250. Ongoing plans to erect a statue of Oldham’s local suffragette Annie Kenney receives £50.

The main recipient is Inspire Women. […]

‘Take a seat’ in age-friendly Greater Manchester

Reporter Stuart Littleford

To help older people feel more confident about leaving their homes, housing providers across Greater Manchester are encouraging local businesses to sign up to the ‘Take a seat’ scheme in a bid to make our region more inclusive, accessible and age-friendly.

Sponsored by Askew Electrical Engineering Ltd

Inspired by a similar project in New York City, the scheme simply asks local businesses to make seats, toilets and a drink of water available to people who may […]

Duck as the traffic flies past in Uppermill

Reporter: Ruby Anstee

There are doubts by locals as to whether new signs that have been put up by the council will make a difference to the safety of the wildlife in the Village. After ducks were recently hit by cars driving in Uppermill, unofficial ‘Geese in the Road’ signs were erected by local residents. The signs were mysteriously removed, and official ones have now appeared.

The new warning signs have been put up at the end of New Road, […]

Saddleworth School Location Poll - Revisit

In Feb 2015 a poll was run by Saddleworth News regarding the preferred location of the new-built Saddleworth School.

Saddleworth News has decided to revisit the question to see if opinions have changed. This is just purely out of interest.

Take Our Poll (function(d,c,j){if(!d.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;;pd.src=’’;s=d.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(pd,s);} else if(typeof jQuery !==’undefined’)jQuery(d.body).trigger(‘pd-script-load’);}(document,’script’,’pd-polldaddy-loader’));

The step by step guide to Clearing - and to finding awesome student accommodation!

If you think you might not have done as well in your A-Levels as you hoped, it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the Clearing process in advance of results day. Even if you think you aced your exams, it’s worth having an understanding of Clearing, just in case.

Clearing allows students who didn’t get the results they were hoping for to find a suitable university course. Read the Collegiate AC step by step guide to Clearing to ensure […]