Saddleworth News

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Reporting Team

Ruby Anstee - Editor
Stuart Littleford - Reporter
Allan Roach - Reporter
George Wilson - Reporter and IT
Judith Grinter - Reporter

Past Articles

Headmaster proud after pupils highly commended in engineering awards

Some of the children with their awards

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

The headteacher of a Saddleworth primary school has told Saddleworth News how proud he is of the achievements of his pupils after they were highly commended in a national engineering competition.

Mike Wood, headteacher of Greenfield Primary School, told us that whole school had recently taken part in a fantastic competition by Primary Engineering and were given the task to answer the question ‘If you were an engineer, […]

Support needed from generous businesses to keep the Rushcart rolling

Last year’s Saddleworth Rushcart

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Saddleworth Morris Men are asking kind-hearted businesses to take up advertising space in the Rushcart programme so that the money raised can go towards Cart repairs and traffic management costs.

The body of the Cart was built in 2004, with the wheels from the previous one kept in service but heavily rebuilt in 2010. Due to their use since the first Rushcart, the wooden rims are now being replaced by third generation […]

The Saddleworth News Photography Awards 2017 looking to frame a Saddleworth Summer

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Photographers of all ages and abilities are invited to enter their photographs of Saddleworth into the Saddleworth News Photography Awards 2017 which start today.

The awards are a Saddleworth News Community Project in partnership with the Saddleworth Photography Group, which has been operational for over two years and has over 220 members.

The group set weekly practical challenges to help photographers learn from their own practice and from that of others. The group also provides a sounding […]

Oldham Labour Group to propose a motion calling for end to austerity at tomorrow’s Council meeting

Reporter: Allan Roach

The Oldham Labour Group will be proposing a motion calling for the end to austerity at tomorrow’s Oldham Council meeting.

The motion urges the Government to end the austerity programme which has had a massive detrimental impact on services, depressed wages and pushed more children in to poverty.


Councillor Chadderton, the proposer of the motion, told Saddleworth News: “This Government’s austerity programme has failed the people of Oldham. Amongst the hardest hit are our teachers, […]

Saddleworth author looking for local backing for new fantasy book

Artwork from the book

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Saddleworth author and artist Carl Pugh and his co-author Dom Conlon are looking for local people to help crowdfund their latest Saddleworth inspired fantasy book, a book that is described as dark but never gruesome!

Badtime Stories contains 50 bite-sized tales of gothic fantasy, chillingly illustrated throughout by Carl.

The stories feature twins called Jacob and Jacob as they do their best to stay awake or escape their room in a world […]

Debbie Abrahams MP pledges to ‘start a conversation’ to tackle loneliness across Oldham and Saddleworth

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, is backing the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness by signing their online pledge to ‘start a conversation’ at

Debbie told Saddleworth News: “I met with the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness and made a pledge to tackle the issue across Oldham and Saddleworth by starting a conversation with someone.

“Loneliness is something I often see when I’m going door to door, meeting local people across Oldham and […]

North West Ambulance Award for Oldham and Saddleworth Liberal Democrats

Cllr Garth Harkness with Lisa Stanway from NWAS

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Oldham and Saddleworth Liberal Democrats have recently won an award from North West Ambulance Service.

Councillor Garth Harkness attended the North West Ambulance Cardiac Smart award on Friday 23 June 2017 in Leyland.

The awards were presented to groups who have helped make the local area more resilient in terms of improving the clinical outcomes of those who have unfortunately suffered a cardiac arrest.

The award also recognises […]