Saddleworth News

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Reporting Team

Ruby Anstee - Editor
Stuart Littleford - Reporter
Allan Roach - Reporter
George Wilson - Reporter and IT
Judith Grinter - Reporter

Past Articles

Harkness says ‘affordable housing’ should be built on Bailey Mill site in Delph

Garth Harkness speaks from the Bailey Mill site in Delph

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Saddleworth North Liberal Democrat Councillor, Garth Harkness, has told Saddleworth News he hopes any new building work on the site of the former Bailey Mill in Delph will incorporate affordable housing for local people.

The devastating blaze

Many people contacted Saddleworth News following the blaze that destroyed the mill to express their concerns about the sites future use, with many expressing the view that if […]

Formerly homeless people from Emmaus Mossley have completed cycle maintenance training

Emmaus companions Paul Townsend and Stuart Hadfield with bikes

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

A pair of formerly homeless people from Emmaus Mossley have completed cycle maintenance training to boost their skills and CV.

Paul and Stuart – formerly homeless people who now live and work at Emmaus Mossley – completed the Velotech Bronze award training course delivered by Ayudante Bicycles. The two-day course covered different aspects of cycle maintenance and repair including gears, brakes and rebuilding bikes from scratch.

Stuart […]

Saddleworth Village Olympics given new flag by Uppermill Methodist Church

The ladies of Uppermill Methodist Church with the SVO flag at the presentation

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Saddleworth Village Olympics recently organised a crown green bowling taster session at Friezland Bowling Club.

Organisers said the village Olympics crown green bowling second taster day at Friezland Bowling Club attracted some “fresh new faces” to the sport.

A spokesperson told Saddleworth News: “The organising committee will now assess the success of the event and decide whether or not to include this sport […]

The first exhibition of the Saddleworth Photography Group

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

A new exhibition representing local professional and amateur photographers is to take place in Saddleworth at the end of the month.

More than eleven photographers from the Saddleworth Photography Group will be displaying their best personal work at The Reclamation Room on Lee Street in Uppermill from 23 August – 5 September. The exhibition, which is free to view, will feature 26 images in a range of photographic styles including portrait, landscape, experimental and art.

Saddleworth Photography […]

Fred is ‘on the threshold of a new career’

Fred “Botto” with his son Jonathan and his latest exhibition at Scóna in Uppermill

At 88 years old, former newspaper industrial correspondent turned local painter, Fred Bottomley, is working through his most prolific period, staging a new exhibition over the next few weeks at popular, quirky café Scóna in Uppermill.

With many of the works being painted over the last few months, Fred has expressed his excitement at the opportunity to exhibit his newest works.

With a […]

Flytipper who dumped waste in Saddleworth fined following airport arrest

Land near Windy Hill mast

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Oldham Council has successfully prosecuted a flytipper after he was arrested at Manchester Airport.

On September 23 last year a resident contacted the council and reported waste had been dumped at the Windy Hill radio mast, Saddleworth.

Following an investigation by Environmental Health Officers the waste was traced to Ciprian Sorica, 22 of Camberwell Street and ABS Properties, of Tamworth Street Oldham.

The property firm had asked Sorica to remove the […]

Saddleworth Parish Council has submitted an application for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area

Oldham Council is inviting residents to have their say and help shape how Saddleworth could look in the future.

Saddleworth Parish Council has submitted an application – the first of its kind in the borough - for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area within its boundaries so that they can begin preparing a neighbourhood plan for the area.

A neighbourhood plan helps parish councils develop a shared vision and complementary planning policies to the council’s Local Plan.

Communities have […]

Debbie comments on ‘disarray’ at Pennine Acute Hospital NHS Trust

Debbie Abrahams MP

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, has told Saddleworth News she is concerned about shortcomings at the Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

Debbie Said: “I’m very concerned to read the Care Quality Commission’s report which has highlighted some very worrying shortcomings at the Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

“It’s notable that the staff themselves are providing a good standard of care and treating patients in a compassionate and sensitive way, but […]

The sky’s no longer the limit at Rishworth School

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

Rishworth School is well-known to the many in Saddleworth who have attended over the years but its latest innovation, the launch of its own space programme, might catch you by surprise.

“Science and technology is so much more that I thought it was. There is so much to explore and learn and every part brings new experiences. I’ve learnt that there’s always more than one solution to problems and that you can solve most things if […]

Oldham West & Royton MP calls for urgent action following ‘inadequate’ rating for Royal Oldham Hospital

Oldham West and Royton MP Jim McMahon

Oldham West and Royton MP Jim McMahon has called for urgent and immediate action after the Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust – which runs the Royal Oldham Hospital – was rated inadequate.

The report, released following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in February and March, highlighted several areas of major concern, including the High Dependency Unit at ROH.

Jim said: “This report is extremely worrying and immediate action needs […]

Last few days to apply for Job vacancies at Cop Security

Saddleworth based Cop Security have two job vacancies, please apply directly to them using the details on the job advert, the deadline for applications closes on Friday 12 August.

Debbie praises commitment to resolving Diggle bus service issue

Debbie Abrahams MP

Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, has praised the commitment of local residents, councillors and bus companies for working together to find a solution to the cuts of the 184 Diggle service.

Local resident Liz Redfearn arranged a meeting in Uppermill to discuss the changes to the 184 service which would have affected children getting to school in Oldham.

At the meeting it was announced that from September the 558 bus will go to […]

Yanks are back in Saddleworth 2016

The Yanks Event 2015

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

In 1979 the film Yanks was released and shown in cinemas across the world.

It starred Richard Gere, Vanessa Redgrave, William Devane, Lisa Eichhorn and Tony Melody. The film was shot in Saddleworth, Stalybridge, Oldham, Stockport and Hyde in the North West. The film was set in the 1940s and shows American troops stationed in the North West training for deployment to Europe for D-day.

In 2001 a small team of volunteers […]

Saddleworth artist is helping Oldham Town Centre Partnership with Movie Trail to celebrate new ODEON cinema opening later this year

One of Claire’s window installations in Oldham town centre

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

A saddleworth artist is helping to promote the opening of the new ODEON cinema in Oldham town centre later this year.

Oldham Town Centre Partnership has organised a fun Movie Trail for visitors to take part in.

There are 11 businesses around the town centre with movie-themed window displays and to win all you need to do is find them.

If you are lucky enough to win […]