Saddleworth News

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Ruby Anstee - Editor
Stuart Littleford - Reporter
Allan Roach - Reporter
George Wilson - Reporter and IT
Judith Grinter - Reporter

Past Articles

Still chance to join local filmmakers writing course

Filming in the Sahara - photo: Rich Heap

There are still a couple of places left on the writing course being run by Local filmmaker and writer John L Matthews.

John is offering his creative writing course for the first time in the area, so if you have ever dreamed about being a writer now is your chance to do something about it!

A number or people have already signed up for the course that will run from November […]

The 44th Annual Festival of Remembrance at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham

The 44th Annual Festival of Remembrance will take place at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham on 7 November.

The event is organised by the Oldham Liaison of Ex Service Associations and will commemorate and honour all those who have lost their lives in conflicts.

It will be led by the Band and Corp of Drums The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (Lancashire). There will also be a bar and cabaret.

Tickets are £5 and are available from the Queen Elizabeth […]

Debbie Abrahams joins the ‘Nation of Lifesavers’ campaign to save 5,000 lives

At the Nation of Lifesavers ‘Call Push Rescue’ training event on 22 October in Parliament Debbie had a go at CPR and met Samantha, 16, and her mum and dad, Nick and Mandy, from Yeovil

Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, is urging Oldhamers to join the campaign to dramatically increase the number of people trained in life-saving CPR and help create a Nation of Lifesavers.

More than 30,000 people suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the […]

GP’s surgery in Greenfield using cutting edge technology for heart and blood pressure checks

Pictured left to right, are: Dr Bal Duper (GP Pennine Medical Centre, Greenfield) with receptionist Louise Whitehead

Cutting edge technology at a GP’s surgery in Greenfield means that fewer patients have to endure a seven-mile journey to hospital.

The new ‘Health Monitors’ machine at the Pennine Medical Centre allows patients to measure their height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure.

And amongst those it has helped so far are elderly patients who might have faced up to […]

Saddleworth Independent Councillors to petition Oldham Council and EFA to build new Saddleworth School in Uppermill

Cllr Mike Buckley

Cllr Rob Knotts (left) and Cllr Nikki Kirkham (right)

Early in the Summer the Government’s Educational Funding Agency (EFA) announced it would make a decision on the site of the new Saddleworth Secondary School and that an announcement was expected in the Autumn.

Saddleworth Independent Councillors Nikki Kirkham, Mike Buckley, Rob Knotts, Lesley Brown and Lesley Schofield have now written to the EFA chief executive requesting that the wishes of local Saddleworth people are fully […]

Police concerned for the welfare of Mossley woman

Police concerned- Gemma Potts, also known as Gemma Hoole

Police are growing increasingly concerned for the whereabouts of a 29-year-old woman from Mossley.

Gemma Potts, also known as Gemma Hoole, is described as white, slim, around 5ft 5in tall with long dark hair. She was last seen wearing dark jeans, a dark jumper and dark trainers and is nine-months pregnant.

She was last seen in Ashton-under-Lyne on 17 October 2014 with her partner, Paul Hoole.

Police believe they may […]

Diggle school children enjoy a lesson about tornados

Tornado lessons - Year 5 pupils at Diggle School with their American virtual visitor, Heather McDown

Primary school children in Diggle enjoyed a lesson about tornados, direct from Tornado Alley in America.

Pupils at Diggle School used cutting-edge technology to talk live ‘in person’ with a tornado survivor in Oklahoma.

Using Skype – which allows people to talk online and see each other from anywhere in the world – the Year 5 children asked questions and heard fascinating first-hand […]

Greenfield Rail Action Group concerned over late trains

Greenfield Station

The Greenfield Rail Action Group (GRAG) has told Saddleworth News it has become “increasingly concerned” about the late running of trains at Greenfield since the introduction of the fifth Trans Pennine Express (TPE) along our local line, they also say that in the longer term there are plans for a 6th Trans Pennine Express which will cause even more delays on what is already a very busy line.

Under the present system the Trans Pennine Expresses run, […]

Saddleworth WI Quiz Night

Saddleworth Women’s Institute will be holding a quiz night at Greenfield Conservative Club on Sunday 9 November.

Doors open at 7.30pm and the Quiz starts at 8.00pm, there will be a Maximum of 6 people per team.

Entry is £1.00 per person. All profits to their 2014 charity, Oldham Bereavement Support Service.

Further information regarding the WI can be found on their newly updated website from early November:

Have you ever dreamed of being a writer?

Filming in the Sahara - photo: Rich Heap

Local film maker and writer John L Matthews is offering his creative writing course for the first time in the area, so if you have ever dreamed about being a writer now is your chance to do something about it!

From November 6 until December 4 at Dobcross Community Church, Sandy Lane, Saddleworth, John will be running his creative writing course.

John told Saddleworth News: “I started my working life as […]

Saddleworth helps Oldham triumph again at Britain in Bloom 2014

Flowers at The Swan in Dobcross

Saddleworth villages have helped Oldham to scoop gold and the title of Best City at the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society’s Britain in Bloom competition.

The judges were wowed by their entry and awarded the borough the top prize at an awards ceremony held in Bristol that was attended by community gardening champions from across the country.

Oldham also received the RHS Britain in Bloom Horticulture Award for demonstrating the best horticultural practice throughout […]

Debbie Abrahams MP elected vice chair to Parliamentary dementia group

Debbie Abrahams MP - All Party Parliamentary Group

Campaigning MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, Debbie Abrahams, has been elected as vice chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Dementia at their Annual General meeting in Westminster this week.

Debbie, who is the only MP to become a Dementia Friends Champion and has made creating a dementia-friendly Oldham one of her top 10 priorities, said: “Despite the progress made on highlighting the subject of dementia over […]

‘Into the Future’ a project at Saddleworth Museum secures Heritage Lottery Fund investment

Lottery grant - Saddleworth Museum

Saddleworth Museum has received a confirmed grant of £1,000,046 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for its ‘Into the Future’ project, it was announced today.

The museum, run as a registered charity, celebrated its 50th year in 2012 as an independent museum serving the local community. The overall aim of the project is to put the museum on a sound footing for the next 50 years.

The planning is already well in hand; the […]

Four have lucky escape after canal boat is left hanging in lock

Lucky escape - the boat left hanging in the lock

By Stuart Littleford

Four people had a lucky escape yesterday after a narrowboat they were travelling in was left hanging precariously in a Saddleworth canal lock.

The incident happened at Lime Kiln Lock on the Huddersfield Narrow Canal, near to the Brownhill Countryside Centre in Dobcross, at approximately 12.20pm.

It is thought the back of the boat became “Jammed” on stonework as the lock was being emptied, this left […]