Saddleworth News

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Reporting Team

Ruby Anstee - Editor
Stuart Littleford - Reporter
Allan Roach - Reporter
George Wilson - Reporter and IT
Judith Grinter - Reporter

Past Articles

Man Charged Over Scouthead Burglary

A man has been charged following a burglary at a house in Scouthead. The incident took place on Monday morning.

According to our local police, the man was due to appear in court today.

You can get up-to-date information from the Saddleworth and Lees police team at their website here, or from their Twitter feed here. You can ring them directly by calling the Uppermill office number 0161 856 4525.

In an emergency, always dial 999. But out of hours, […]

30p Fare Proposed For Dove Stone Bus

Dove Stone Reservoir

The tourist bus to Dove Stone Reservoir could only cost paying passengers 30p this summer, with a fare of £1 for a family of up to five.

That’s significantly less than the general £1 tariff in force last year, when just 392 people used the service on weekends between June and September, only 60 of whom had to pay.

The bus, known as the Saddleworth Hopper, is expected to remain free for pensioners and those with […]

Letter: Dog Fouling Around St Chad’s In Uppermill

Below is a letter to the editor about dog fouling near St Chad’s Primary School in Uppermill, sent in by Cathryn McDowell. I’ve reproduced it in full.

If you want to respond to the points made in the letter, you can either leave a comment below this post, or send an e-mail by clicking on the Contact option at the top of this page. If you would like an e-mail published on this website then please mark it as a […]

A Mixture Of Sunshine And Showers

The familiar weather picture of bright spells and rain showers should continue for the next few days, although it should feel fairly mild for the most part.

It’s a damp start this morning but the showers should become less frequent by this afternoon, with more regular sunny intervals. Temperatures should reach a pleasant enough 16C.

Friday should see more of the same, although with the possibility of a bit more sunshine, especially as the day goes on. The theme is […]

Male Voice Choir Concert On Saturday

The Saddleworth Male Voice Choir, pictured on a visit to Italy. (picture courtesy John Watts)

The spring concert from the Saddleworth Male Voice Choir takes place this Saturday at the Civic Hall in Uppermill.

The show begins at 7:30pm, and replaces the choir’s traditional St George’s Day concert, which would have fallen during the school holidays this year.

Two special guests will be joining the choir in the form of Lancashire musicians Norman Prince, formerly of the Houghton Weavers, […]

First Meeting For New Huddersfield Line Rail Group

A train on the line near Diggle.

A new group which aims to improve conditions on the Huddersfield Line has held its first meeting, appropriately enough at the Railway pub in Greenfield.

It features members drawn from existing bodies, such as the Friends of Mossley Station and Slaithwaite and Marsden Action on Rail Transport. Greenfield is represented by Mark Ashmore, with Cllr Royce Franklin, a long-standing campaigner for a new station at Diggle, also involved.

The group agreed six […]

Saddleworth Soldier Honoured By Duke

Sgt Lee Metcalfe receives his award from the Duke of Kent. (all pictures: Ministry of Defence)

A soldier from Saddleworth has been presented with a medal recognising his long service and good conduct in the Army. Sgt Lee Metcalfe, who’s 32, has served for 15 years.

Sgt Metcalfe is a member of the Germany-based 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. The battalion’s Colonel-in-Chief, the Duke of Kent, made the presentation at a ceremony […]

Saskia Wins Shop Local Treasure Hunt

Saskia Eccles from Diggle with her prize. (picture: John Eccles)

Eight-year-old Saskia Eccles from Diggle won the Treasure Hunt at last week’s Saddleworth Shop Local Festival in Uppermill. Organisers of the event dropped her prize off a few days later, and a surprised Saskia said: “It’ll be a struggle not to open it until Easter!”

The Treasure Hunt was one of several aspects of an event hailed as a success by organisers […]

Saddleworth Artists’ Exhibition In Delph

The Saddleworth Group of Artists’ Spring Exhibition begins at the Millgate Centre in Delph this Saturday. Paintings by local artists will be on display in the centre’s bar and lounge area.

The group has built up a strong reputation over the years for showing off high-quality work around our area. Its most recent exhibition took place at the Brownhill Centre near Dobcross.

The display in Delph runs until Tuesday 19 April. The group will also hold summer and winter exhibitions […]

Saddleworth Runners Invited To Meet Council Officials

Jill Davies and members of the Saddleworth Runners on the track at Churchill Fields.

Members of the Saddleworth Runners have been offered the chance to meet Oldham Council officials next month, to discuss the future of Churchill Fields.

The athletes are angry at plans to remove the running track from the fields, as part of work to solve long-running drainage problems. They’re also upset they didn’t find out about the proposals until February, almost a year after councillors began […]

Parking Permits Considered For Three Uppermill Streets

One of the new signs at the museum car park in Uppermill.

Oldham Council is to consider introducing residents’ parking permits on three streets in Uppermill.

Householders in the centre of the village were recently asked for their views about the idea, and more than 50% people on Back Lee Street, Village Green and Boltons Yard responded in favour.

Cllr Royce Franklin, who chairs the Saddleworth and Lees sub-committee for transport matters, updated his fellow councillors on the details […]

Debbie Abrahams Speaks In Budget Debate

Debbie Abrahams in the House of Commons recently. (picture: Parliament TV)

Saddleworth MP Debbie Abrahams described the Budget as “strong on rhetoric but short on action” in the House of Commons last night.

She gave a speech during the debate on the Budget, and accused Chancellor George Osborne of “ignoring evidence and pushing ahead with ideologically-driven policy.”

Last Wednesday, Mr Osborne announced various measures, including a cut in fuel duty, a new shared-equity scheme to help more first-time buyers, […]

Arrests Made Over Scouthead Burglary

Alcohol confiscated in Lees on Friday night. (picture: GMP)

Two men have been arrested on suspicion of burglary, following an incident in Scouthead yesterday.

Our local police had earlier confirmed that they’d found a black Volkswagen car which they’d been looking for in connection with the alleged crime.

Meanwhile, officers have been continuing their efforts to crack down on underage drinkers throughout Saddleworth and Lees.

They’ve issued a picture of booze seized from teenagers in Lees on Friday night. […]

Mountain Rescuers Thank Twestival Fundraisers

Members of Oldham Mountain Rescue Team demonstrating their skills at Twestival Oldham. (all pictures: Lisa Marie Gee)

Members of the Oldham Mountain Rescue Team have thanked charity fundraisers for their efforts, following last week’s first-ever Twestival Oldham.

The Saddleworth-based charity will be the beneficiary of two events which took place on Thursday. There was a family-friendly one in the afternoon, and a more adult-oriented event in the evening, organised by users of information-sharing website Twitter.

The […]